Sunday, April 13, 2008

Alan Sohn for Board of Ed

Can I reccomend to all a write in for Alan Sohn for Boad of Education. Am i the only one wishing that more then three people are running?

Though he claims to be a numbers man I am a bit confuised about how he only got 228 or so petitions. I know, it is a conspiracy.

His public comments show that he does not want to work with this Council or probably anyone for that matter. He mentions all of the private meetings he has had with Cramer, Zucker and Harris but publicly comes out and condemns Katz, Feit, Rudolph and Gussen. I have not spoken to any of them, but I will bet dollars to donuts that Sohn never sat down for a whole day and tried communicating the issues with Council. So what we have here is good old fashion hypocrisy and viciousness. I hope the people Sohn is supporting in this election come out and honor their campaign pledge to condemn Sohn's actions. Maybe Sohn should write something about himself and how his comments violate these pledges.

My only surprise is why do these stupid Councilmen appoint these nasty and angry people to boards. Alan Sohn and Howard Rose both people that have publicly denounced Council's actions for a public cheer and both people that have been appointed by this Council to several boards.


Alan Sohn said...

A major element of being part of a community is communicating with people from all parts of it, and I take that responsibility seriously.

Over this month, I have met and/or spoken at length with Councilmembers Kevie Feit, Adam Gussen, Elie Katz, Elnatan Rudolph, none of whom you have apparently spoken to. I have spent several hundred hours over countless days discussing issues with these four over the past two years, far more than I have with any other members of the council or any other residents of Teaneck (my wife and children excluded). As discussed with Mayor Katz, every one of the dozens of times I have spoken at Council meetings or written a letter in the Record or Suburbanite, I have described an issue, offered a recommendation for constructive action and provided clear justification and explanations for my position.

As I told Mayor Katz over a lengthy lunch in his office, I will agree with him when I think he's right, and disagree with him when I think he's wrong, a point that he recognized. I will be more than happy to share numerous examples of both agreement and disagreement, which anyone vaguely aware of my actions and positions over the past few years should be fairly familiar with.

I have not endorsed any candidate, and I join everyone reading here in trying to understand the charges of hypocrisy or campaign pledge violations, an explanation you have refused to share.

I have served actively and vigorously on both the Advisory Board on Community Relations and the Financial Advisory Board, providing clear, constructive guidance on two of the most critical areas in which our township faces its greatest challenges.

With 260 signatures collected, I should have had more than enough to qualify for this year's ballot. For the 2010 and all subsequent elections, I can assure you I will never make the same mistake.

I guess I'll treat this post as some advanced bashing, all the more baffling as there are actual candidates running who are still waiting to be attacked.

I will be happy to collect either dollars or donuts, at the current pre-Passover exchange rate. Though how one collects from someone willing to spew malicious venom but too ashamed to disclose his name may present some obstacles.

Alan Sohn

esther said...

Teaneck Truth - Thanks for the denouncement of viciousness. .

Anonymous said...

I have asked the Mayor several times to post on the blog and he refuses. I will ask the Mayor if he had lunch with you as you claim. I have to imagine this is another one of your fabrications since a) we know the Mayor has breakfasts and b) I have heard second hand the comments you have made about him and Feit and I am sure he has heard the same. I would be surprisd to hear that he would break bread with you.
As for Rose, he is a little confused. He stood up at the Budget meeting asking the Council to bring in a Zero budget, he wrote a letter to the Suburbanite praising the Council's actions and then attacks the Council for a Zero budget at the Bryant school, Huh??? And complained to the paper that Council appoints only their friends. Howard, you were appointed to several boards by this Council, Huh??? This is the politics that will continue to hurt this town. When our candidates don't know if they are coming or going.

Anonymous said...

The Team Teaneck defamation machine is running at full steam. It looks like Alan has found the flaws with the Rudolph campaign. Rather than trying to run on its supposed accomplishments, the only way it thinks it can win is by attacking its opponents, tossing out the lies needed to distract their core voters from realizing that the election fraud, the phony budget and the racist attacks are really the core of their agenda.

This must be the first time in Teaneck that someone not running is the target of an attack like this.

This is straight from the official internet voice of Team Teaneck. If Katz and Rudolph can't control their goons, its time for them to be tossed out of office.

Teaneck Truth said...


i think i am just frustrated

two things

1- why on earth did you not run for board of ed???? you would win in a landslide

2- as someone who applied for a board seat anddid not get it, and to find out Howard rose did???? i go on to praise the council and he attacks???

Anonymous said...

I don't think I can consider myself a Team Teaneck machine. Actually, I am voting for 2 from Team Teanck and Goldman.That is a perfect Team that would help Teaneck. I also wouldn't vote for Sohn if he was the only choice on the ballet. Sohn can't have it both ways: he comes out swinging and then cries that suppoerters of the people he attacks swing back. Katz may not post on blogs, but I do and will defend him any day. If it is true that Sohn is going around town bashing Katz and Feit, then Sohn better brace himself for a very, very strong backlash. Election season or not.

Anonymous said...

People put too much credibility with Sohn. He has failed every time he tries. Look at the petitions, look at TCAC, need I go on. Do we pay attention to Joan Davis?
And I am a Teaneck United supporter, except Monica, (come on, I am not blind and dumb...she has done nothing, nothing).

Teaneck Truth said...

hypocrisy is the theme apparently

in 2006 4 alleged orthodox males win council seats. for the last two years all we hear is diversity diversity diversity. nothing about progress.

in 2008 one of the most diverse tickets in united states history comes out- a muslim, orthodox jew and african american.

now "they" (dirty dozen, lack of progress, you name them) change their battle cry to "diversity of thought". what a crock.

lets stop talking garbage and hear what they want to do. rudolph spent the last two years doing.

audra- what will you do
monica- what will you do- hire more cops, raise more taxes
barbara- ban "rockland" residents?

Alan Sohn said...

Thanks for the endorsement for Board of Education. I think. If I wanted to run for Board of Education, a choice that I gave very serious consideration to, I would have done so. There's a school board election every year and another council election just two year's away.

I have been working for the past ten years towards the goal of running for Township Council, thinking that I needed to build a base of knowledge and experience on the critical issues facing our township. Unfortunately, it seems that knowledge and experience are no longer the prerequisites I once thought they were.

As I discovered through the Visioning Process, the issues of Taxes, Community Relations, Economic Development, Youth, Education and Responsive Government are issues that we all face, and to which there are no solutions unique to any racial, ethnic or religious group; these are common problems that need widespread consensus and cooperation on solutions. I will continue to research and address these issues that face Teaneck and continue to work on building the broad-based coalitions needed to handle the issues we face.

I'm not sure I understand your second issue, regarding Howard Rose. I have spent the past year serving with Howard on the Financial Advisory Board, to which he was chosen by his peers to serve as Vice Chairman (while I was dumped on by these same peers with the burden of serving as Secretary). He has come to every meeting thoroughly prepared, and is probably the only person who consistently brings to each meeting a list of topics for discussion he has carefully thought out before arriving. The unique experience he offers based on his service on the Planning Board and the Cedar Lane Special Improvement District have helped our discussions in rather productive fashion.

As to praising the council being a criteria for selection, if our non-partisan system is to have any meaning, all Councilmembers should be selecting members for boards and commissions based on their diverse backgrounds and experiences, not their loyalty or prior connection to any individual member of council.

When can I collect my donuts / dollars?

Alan Sohn

Anonymous said...

"election fraud, the phony budget and the racist attacks"

Well, well-- what do we have quoted above? Just the Big Lies of this campaign.

1-Election fraud is nonsense. First it meant cry-babying for almost two years over a lost election. Next it involved professional opposition research from some politician's office (wonder whose?)to uncover a minor error in voting at an old address. No worse than other "crimes" that are not crimes and have perhaps been "perpetrated" by ordinary law-abiding citizens.

2-The budget cuts are legitimate. For the first time in years a Council went over the Manager's budget line by line and made cuts, despite one long time Council member's shock that the old rubber stamping was not being pursued. The town's outside auditors have given their stamp of approval to the new budget, which stands on sound and conservative priciples. Hones, of course, was against cutting the increase from 6.18% to Zero.

3-The only racist attacks are those against Team Teaneck members.
Various supporters of the Hones United ticket have slurred Robinson (Right Ms. Tucker?). Of course, Toffler has made her hostility to Orthodox Jews more than apparent and in some minds that too is racism.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Toffler never expressed hostility toward Orthodox Jews. Ms. Toffler expressed a concern that Teaneck not follow the pattern of certain communities in Rockland County in which Orthodox Jews ignore or subvert zoning laws and create shuls on every block and multi-family dwellings. This is actually a serious concern in Teaneck now that there are, in fact, shuls popping up that have decided they don't have to follow any zoning requirements. Is no one allowed the freedom to question anymore, for fear of being branded some horrible name? People should follow the rules and have concern for their fellow citizens. Period. If Teaneck looks the other way while certain groups violate zoning laws, we will end up with a mess. Don't take Barbara Toffler to task for being blunt with a reporter. Enough with the mudslinging already.

Anonymous said...

Asserting that synagogues in Teaneck violate the law when every one of them meticulously adheres to rules and regulations is an example --yes--of anti-Orthodoxism. If this is the best Toffler's supporters can do for her...

Anonymous said...

truth teller -
Can you please tell us how Etz Chaim, at 554 Queen Anne Road, "meticulously adheres to rules and regulations?" The owners have represented to the town that the house is being used as a residence and that the 1600 square foot addition is a "family room." Of course, it is being used as a synagogue, with a $5000 building fund requirement, dues and a rabbi in residence. The addition was built in compliance with single-family residential zoning, not in compliance with house of worship zoning. They have not applied for a use variance. So please let us know how they are adhering to the law of the land - or dina d'malchuta dina, as one might say.

Anonymous said...

Teaneck Truth said:
In 2008 one of the most diverse tickets in united states history ...
One of your usual lies or are you just as ignorant about United States history as about everything else.

Its getting to be a toss up as to whether you should call yourself "Teaneck Liar" or "Teaneck Moron"

Teaneck Truth said...

Name a more diverse three person ticket in us history instead of calling me a liar or moron. Perhaps reagan and bush?

Anonymous said...

So Toffler is merely opposed to those Orthodox Jews requiring nursing services at Care One having an opportunity to exercise their religious needs? She is okay with Orthodox Jews who are in full health practicing their religion? What an outstanding ethicist she is!!!

Anonymous said...

Shuls are popping up all over Teaneck???

That's what Toffler says???

What a liar!!!

Then her supporters attack the Blue Rag for sensationalism???

Maybe Rosenbluth is absolutely right to be fearful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its unbelievable how anyone can bash one of Teaneck's real public servants. The guy sends out dozens of emails each week on his Teaneck Shuls list. He does all the research and lets people know about everything happening in Teaneck. If you ever watch the counsel on TV or read the suburbanite he is clearly one of the few people in Teaneck who knows his stuff and knows how to speak. It's amazing that so many people can just stab the guy in the back

Tom Abbott said...

The last few posters are making up Dr. Toffler views. They have no more interest in Truth than Teaneck Truth itself.

It's no surprise those who try to give credibility to the Jewish Voice and Opinion are always anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Alan Sohn does not have anything to do with the TeaneckShuls list!!!

He is one of 8900 members and has no administrative or any other role in the list.

And that is the Teaneck Truth!

Anonymous said...

Alan Sohn does not have anything to do with the TeaneckShuls list!!!

He is one of 8900 members and has no administrative or any other role in the list.

And that is the Teaneck Truth!

Anonymous said...

PBS Exposed Barbara Toffler as an Unethical Ethicist
Cheating for Arthur Andersen and Enron—Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars at a Time Snatched to Feed Her Fancy Habits and Grandiose Ego

Barbara Ley Toffler: The Culture of Greed
May 2, 2003 Episode no. 635

BOB ABERNETHY, anchor: This week, 10 of the biggest banks and brokers on Wall Street agreed to pay $1.4 billion to settle charges that for their own profit, they had knowingly misled millions of investors.

Phil Jones has the story of one woman caught up in the unethical culture that brought down Enron, Arthur Andersen, and many others.

PHIL JONES: Bob, it was in the early 1990s that business ethics actually became a business unto itself. With concerns over business scandals, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which is an independent federal agency that advises courts, basically said to corporations, "We are going to sock you with huge fines when you break federal laws dealing with white-collar crimes -- but if you have tough, formal written programs dealing with ethics and standards, the fines will be less." So businesses began to hire experts to draw up ethics codes. One of the nation's leading accounting-auditing companies saw a chance to cash in on the ethics consulting business. And before it was over, ironically, one of the nation's ethics experts had lost her own ethical compass.

BARBARA TOFFLER (Business Ethics Consultant): I remember when I walked into the building, 1995 -- the flagship office of Arthur Andersen -- and I was starting a new adventure.

JONES: Barbara Toffler's adventure came in the midst of the 1990s bubble economy. Wall Street was on a high. During this period, Toffler, a leading expert on management ethics, got a call from the Arthur Andersen auditing firm. They asked her to run an ethics consulting service for Andersen clients. Little did she realize what was happening inside the firm.

Ms. TOFFLER: Everybody was trying to grab business from somebody else. I mean, that was my daily activity -- fighting. It was like one piece of bread, and 10 of us there, "Got to get it! Got to get it!" It doesn't matter whether I like bread, whether I know what to do with the bread. But, "I've got to get it."

JONES: Toffler was making about $300,000 a year back then, living in style in New York. She was now playing in the big game -- which even included company pep rallies and clients of Arthur Andersen that one day would become notorious.

Ms. TOFFLER: We had this huge light and sound show -- fabulous -- for the "client of the future" -- our best client and the one that everyone should be going out and getting more of. And up on those screens comes the upended E -- Enron.

JONES: Barbara Toffler, who had built a career in the field of business ethics, was asked to do unethical things, and she complied.

(to Ms. Toffler): Were you told by your bosses not to be aggressive on billing and ethical matters?

Ms. TOFFLER: Not to be aggressive on billing?

JONES: Mm-hmm.

Ms. TOFFLER: No. I was certainly not told I should not be aggressive. I mean, I was told, of course we were going to be aggressive.

JONES: The billing was maddening?

Ms. TOFFLER: And one of the phrases that we used to describe it was "billing our brains out."

JONES: But as Toffler has recalled her nightmare in a book called FINAL ACCOUNTING: AMBITION, GREED, AND THE FALL OF ARTHUR ANDERSEN, she claims that on at least one occasion she was coerced by a partner to overbill a client.

Ms. TOFFLER: Our piece of this particular budget was somewhere around -- stretching it -- $75,000. It wasn't that big a job. I gave him my budget. He looked at it, threw it back at me, and said, "Double it." I said, "Double it? That's it. We can't double it." "That's what you do," he said. "I want that doubled. Double it. Don't bring it back to me until it's doubled."


Ms. TOFFLER: Back I came with a $150,000 [budget]. I did.

JONES: And did you say anything?

Ms. TOFFLER: I just gave it to him. And we stretched it! We added hours. We added tasks.

JONES: However, she admits that sometimes she overbilled on her own. The game, she said, was to make a client dependent on her, especially when the client was new to the ethics business.

Ms. TOFFLER: It gave us the wonderful opportunity to say, "Well, this is what you need. And you certainly are not prepared to do this on your own, so here are the very many things that we can possibly do for you. And we'll set up weekly kinds of activities for you to do." So if this person's doing something every week, then, obviously, he has to come back to us. We have to be there. Well, suffice it to say, within a very short time, we had set up a planned program to bill this firm $250,000 a month to basically do work that their employees should've been doing. The CEO got wind of this and he basically said, "Enough, enough."

JONES: So you sort of got caught on that one.

Ms. TOFFLER: Yeah, yeah, yeah. This was somebody I know, somebody I still know. But I was enormously embarrassed. I mean, I had never ever done something like that.

JONES: But you never went to your bosses and said, "This isn't ethical."

Ms. TOFFLER: Sure, I did. But I was seen as kind of a pain in the neck. I mean, I know I was seen as a pain in the neck. My feeling was like, "There goes Barbara again."

JONES: Toffler's experiences occurred before the scandals of Enron, WorldCom, Quest Communications, and Global Crossing. But before she finally left in 1999, three years before Arthur Andersen collapsed, Toffler herself had become a victim of what she calls a new greedy culture at Arthur Andersen.

JONES: So while you were working there, what happened to your ethics?

Ms. TOFFLER: I don't want to say that I forgot everything that I was raised with, but you know, when you spend time working in an organization -- particularly one that has a strong culture -- you find yourself being drawn into that culture and beginning to behave the same way the people around you do.

JONES: Toffler argues that she never did anything that was illegal, but she's spent a lot of time thinking about how she managed to get caught in a web of unethical behavior.

(to Ms. Toffler): As you look back, why do you think you did these things?

Ms. TOFFLER: I did them for many reasons. One, I was making very good money, living a very comfortable life, and I didn't want to give that up. Two, I had brought several young people into the firm, creating opportunities for them to start to build their career. And I felt that if I left, or if I created too much of a disturbance, I might be harming them. Three, I always thought of myself as a competent person, somebody who could be successful in most environments that I had been in. I'd been a professor at Harvard. I had a very successful, honest, ethical consulting firm. I couldn't believe that I couldn't be successful at Arthur Andersen. Oh, I felt -- well, of course, I felt like I was failing. I felt like I couldn't play the game the way they did.


Ms. TOFFLER: If I am given a target, and the only way I can achieve that target is by doing something that's ethically questionable, or even illegal, but my boss is unrelenting and I have got to do it -- most people are not morally courageous. And many people will say, "Look, I've got kids in school. I've got aging parents. I've got a mortgage. I've got all kinds of commitments. Who am I to be so cavalier to say, 'I'm sorry. I will not work under these conditions,' and walk out?"

Anonymous said...

Monica was really trying to help people endangered by the sub-prime crisis with her votes to increase taxes! And she has the nerve to run for re-election!

esther said...

Are there any lawyers or accountants out there, particularly those who work at big firms, who can speak to these billing pressures that Barbara Toffler talked about in her interview? My sense is that pressure to overbill clients is very common in those businesses. Most people are not honest enough to admit that it occurs.

esther said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

After reading the PBS transcript, I would be embarrassed if I had publicly endorsed DR. Toffler.

Anonymous said...

Ester, Please tell me that none of the people you are describing are running for Council(other than Dr. Toffler).

Anonymous said...

Monica was really trying to help people endangered by the sub-prime crisis with her votes to increase taxes! And she has the nerve to run for re-election!

Monica showed the honesty to refuse to vote in favor of a budget that is only $200,000 in the red by pushing off spending to next year, the one without an election. This is no "zero" budget.

It zeros out money for losses from successful tax appeals when we know there are hundreds of appeals filed this year when $500,000 was in last years budget. It pushes off spending on legal settlements we made years ago. It pushes off buying police cars to next year and leaves the police with the oldest gas guzzling vehicles still on the road. It assumes that we will have no reason to set aside a penny for future lawsuits (such as Rutland Avenue). Most of the rest comes from counting on money from selling property, something the town has very little of and can never count on in future years.

This is a manufactured trojan horse budget that will only create more problems next year. It doesn't solve any of our problems, but it might help Rudolph get elected if we don't read through this phony budget.

Anonymous said...

Just ain't so. No way the professional manager or auditor would have gone with the changes if they were not sound and conservative. There is no hidden problem with the zero budget. It is just a problem if you are trying to justify a vote for Monica Tax-bonus Honis and the other negative elements running against Team Teaneck.

Anonymous said...

Is Teaneck Shuls the list where they let Boss Yitz put ads for his frum four slate even though the rules said you weren't allowed to? There was something about this fraud on Teaneck Progress.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is Teaneck Shuls the list where they let Boss Yitz put ads for his frum four slate even though the rules said you weren't allowed to? There was something about this fraud on Teaneck Progress.

Hey, what is Boss Yitz up to in this election? And Boss Joe Harris?

Anonymous said...

Seems that Boss Yitz has finished the deal on selling his soul to Joe Ferriero in Hackensack. I hear the pay for souls is pretty good even for low quality models. Rudolph gets even more money for selling out Teaneck and opening the door to county contributors. Can Gussen be far behind? Three right-wing Republicans all becoming Democrats because the price was right. Anyone want to by a bridge (or a budget) form these folks?

Anonymous said...

Just ain't so. The manager made recommendations that she thought were sound and the council overruled her. She does what the council tells her to do. The auditor can only stop actions that violate accounting guidelines. He makes no judgement on what is sound or conservative. There is no hidden problem with the zero budget. The fraud is in plain sight with pushing off this years spending into next year when there won't be an election. This is just a problem if you are a taxpayer in Teaneck or if you are trying to justify a vote for Elnatan Tax-Fraud Rudolph and his bunch of goons.

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