Sunday, July 27, 2008

Off to a Good Start

The first Council meeting seemed to have gone well.

Quick Status report....

1- All of the police promotions were done at the meeting
2-One upset DPW employee for Council's failure to recognize their efforts with the pool closing
3-Board appointments all went uncontested with the exception of Honis voting against Gussen on the Planning Board.

One person that did not make the cut was a very experienced Ned Goldman. Was that the price he paid for trying to win against Toffler?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Glenpointe Officer Tower Approved

While I am hoping for a slow blog summer, one piece of breaking news just came across my desk.

After reviewing plans for 3 hours last night, I was just told that a new office tower was approved by the Planning Board last night. This follows the zoning changes made earlier this year by the Council as recommended by the Board.

I heard from someone there that the conceptual drawing were gorgeous, as is the tax revenue!


Enjoy the summer

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Now It's Fire Boxes

(warning- contains much sarcasm)

The way you know its not us but "them" is by sitting back and letting "them" shoot themselves in the foot.

All this happy and cheer and let's all be friends have given "them" too much time to find something else to complain about.

In this weeks Suburbanite, the "them" made an issue about having emergency fire boxes in town.

Could "them" have picked a more innocuous (and cheap) safety device to criticize and bellyache about?

Why not critique the fire department for purchasing fire hoses, after all how many hoses do we need?

Maybe we don't even need a fire department (tongue in cheek for my serious readers). We spend 9 million dollars a year for the fire department- if two or three of the taxpayers homes burn down, we can pay $1.5 million and still save money left over (Sohn, start crunching the numbers).

Maybe we shouldn't pave streets anymore. Think how much money we could save? There would be no pot holes, less painting, slower traffic and we wouldn't need a police detail when PSE+G is digging up our dirt roads.

The point is, I realize we are all different people with many opinions, but do we always have to give credibility and press to the nuts?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

REWARD IF FOUND: Where is Katz?

Is it just me or is Katz missing in action.

I saw him march at the parade on the 4th.

I heard he was at the workshop meeting last week yet I have not seen him around town or gotten any emails from him.

Is he in the same obscure place as Ostrow has been for the last two years. Is there a Mayors hiding place in town? Are Paul, Jackie and Katz playing Majong in Miami together?

If someone sees him, tell him to email or post something so we know he is alive.I read a nice article this week in the Jewish Standard about Mayor Farker. Seems like they are settling in to the position.

What action items can we expect? We have seen many years of increased taxes and stagnant services.

Will there be any new proposals put forward.

What ideas can we give the Council that we as a community would like, other then banning certain people from the meetings.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Two for the Price of One

I am sorry that I couldn't attend the Council meeting last week. I heard that we now have two Mayors running the meeting- Feit and Parker. The word I got was that Feit was trying to run the meeting and Parker kept interrupting, commenting on everything and telling Feit what to do. I guess we needed two to fill Katz's shoes, but it was a little confusing from what I hear. So please join me in welcoming the new Mayor: Mayor Farker

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I See Your True Colors Shining Through

I think that is a song a that was written about Barbara Toffler. Just a few minutes in to Mayor Feit's meeting Toffler tried to stick it to the town attorney and prosecutor by re appointing them on a two month trial. I am sure the family members of both were thrilled to have come out only to have Toffler embarrass their spouses publicly.

Thank goodness that Mayor Katz came to their rescue and derailed Toffler's plan. Katz pointed out that Toffler had ample opportunity (and did indeed utilize the time to do so) to interview and meet with the attorney and prosecutor and specifically indicated that she supports both to the Manager prior to that night. So why the sudden change of heart. Well, the "Truth" is that Toffler was showing her true colors.

This was a power play. She is a vindictive and will not let this Council proceed forward. Good luck Teaneck!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's Official

By now we have all seen the email from Mayor Katz in which he will not seek a second term as Mayor but will support Feit.

I personally am very saddened by Katz's decision. While I did not always agree with him, I have not seen someone so dedicated and committed to the success of Teaneck since Ostrow.

The questions still remain will Feit be up for the job and who will be Deputy Mayor.

Inside sources tell me it is a toss between Parker, Toffler and Gussen. This town is really changing, stay tuned.