Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's Official

By now we have all seen the email from Mayor Katz in which he will not seek a second term as Mayor but will support Feit.

I personally am very saddened by Katz's decision. While I did not always agree with him, I have not seen someone so dedicated and committed to the success of Teaneck since Ostrow.

The questions still remain will Feit be up for the job and who will be Deputy Mayor.

Inside sources tell me it is a toss between Parker, Toffler and Gussen. This town is really changing, stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Good luck to Kevie. And thanks to Elie. I agree: both Elie and Paul were terrific; energetic, bright, personable and businesslike. Hopefully Mayor Feit, from the same "TVAC mold" as Mayors Ostrow and Katz will understand the township's priorities and needs as they did.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to Jackie as well. As caring and involved in so many facets of Teaneck life as Elie and Paul. The three of them represent more than a dozen years of fine mayoral leadership. Hopefully, Kevie will continue that tradition.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Katz and Deputy Mayor Toffler, that is my pick as the end result.

What went wrong with the truth machine? It worked so well picking Rudolph, Hameeduddin and Robinson as 1, 2, 3 in the polls.

Lets hope we can start getting some more real truth here under the Feit administration.

Anonymous said...

Adam Gussen would be the best choice by far! I'd really prefer that he be the mayor, but deputy mayor will do for now.

Anonymous said...

Based on Kevie's years of service to the Teaneck community and his honest, fair non-partisan service as councilman over the past two years I think he is the best choice for mayor on the current council.

Good luck to Mayor Feit.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the new mayor...Kevie and welcome to Barbara and Mohammad. Wish wish all seven council members well.

Anonymous said...

GUSSEN for deputy.

Feit hates Toeffler & everyone hates Moronica!!

Anonymous said...

I think we should hold off on the congratulations until the council votes. Nothing's been decided yet.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who thought of Kevie for mayor.

Anonymous said...

Teaneck Progress' new title is "Honey I blew up the mayor" is this a subtle way of suggesting that there might have been some not so above board lobbying to replace Mayor Katz?

Anonymous said...

I think we should hold off on the congratulations until the council votes. Nothing's been decided yet.

Yoni, do have have a scoop to share!!! Will Kevie be overthrown before he gets elected?

Unknown said...

Teaneck Progress' new title is "Honey I blew up the mayor" is this a subtle way of suggesting that there might have been some not so above board lobbying to replace Mayor Katz?

That's just a quote from the conversation Barabara Toffler had with Chuck Powers over dinner one night last week.

Anonymous said...

Whomever winds up being mayor needs to get to work pronto on getting swimming pools fixed: now ALL Teaneck pools are officially closed, per the Township website.

Anonymous said...

This is from "Teaneck 411"
The Teaneck Township Council's Biannual Reorganization Meeting will take place on Tuesday evening, July 1st, 2008 at 7:00 PM in the Teaneck High School auditorium.

Invocation by Father Dan O'Neill, Rabbi Kenneth Berger and Mr. Jawad Ahmed

Oath of Office to newly-elected Councilmembers:
Mohammed Hameeduddin - By Councilman Adam Gussen
Monica Honis - By Jill Horton-Miller, Esq.
Barbara Ley Toffler - By Senator Loretta Weinberg

The Athenian Oath to all Councilmembers will be administered by Judge James E. Young, Jr.

At this meeting, the newly seated Council will select a Mayor and Deputy Mayor from among its members, who will in turn take their oath of office upon election. The Council will appoint a Township Attorney and Township Prosecutor, with an Oath of Office by Judge James E. Young, Jr. and Stanley Turitz, Esq., respectively.

Benediction by Minister Barry Miller.

Alan Sohn

Anonymous said...

I think we should hold off on the congratulations until the council votes. Nothing's been decided yet.

Yes it has.

I wonder who thought of Kevie for mayor.

It was Kevie

Anonymous said...

I agree, Katz will be the best but he probably feels burned in his heart because he is truly the only one without a personal agenda who participated in the last election. His pure and true focus is Teaneck and he got roped into garbage above his head.

I don't know how Kevie will be for mayor. Ask me tomorrow. I'm still mourning Katz.

I'm a little concerned about Gussen because if you remember the first election, he attached himself to Rudolph and what do they say? "show me who your friends are and I'll show you who you are"? I'm suspicious about in what way he was attached to him. I will give him a chance though

Anonymous said...

Right! and Monica will give a heartfelt apology for her offensive comments.

Anonymous said...

Kevie Feit is Mayor!!! Yea!

Anonymous said...

Did they say anything about the pool at the meeting?

Anonymous said...

I went to pick up passes at the Rhodda center earlier today and the women who work there were talking about how it is going to cost $400,000 to fix the filter and electrical system in the Votee Park pool and a new pool would cost $1,000,000. Hmmmmm. Do they know something we don't?

Anonymous said...

There can be no "new beginning" without an honest apology from Honus. In my opinion, SHE IS THE DEVISIVE COUNCILMEMBER.

Anonymous said...

Deputy Mayor Parker gave a great speech tonight! But in my opinion, she made a mistake. Many township residents are still very angry with Monica and will not forget her distasteful comment and even more important, her refusal to apologize. This verbal malfunction will continue to divide the town, until Monica recognizes the error of her ways. The deputy mayor would be very wise to disassociate herself from her. Even better, it would facilitate healing if Ms. Parker addressed this problem head on at the next council meeting.

Keith K said...

For those that missed the meeting tonight, it didn't take long for Toffler to make a power grab...about three minutes.

Toffler asked to re-write the way the town handles the appointments of the township attorney and prosecutor because she hadn't had a chance to review their files before being sworn in.

What's the matter Barb, did you not pay attention to the job that the township attorney was doing in all those council meetings you attended? Perhaps it was because you were too focused on making the town not become any one thing. And thanks for telling us about diversity... which is now multiculturalism (her words not mine). It's always nice to hear privileged white ivy league grads talking about how nice it is to get along with others as they attempt to grab as much of the limelight as possible.

I found it interesting that Monica couldn't get through the oath without making a few mistakes, but not as interesting as the fact that Monica and Toffler had Weinberg stand with them while they took their oaths (Toffler actually had Weinberg give her the oath...Monica only said she was like a mother to her)

It didn't take long to show where their allegiances are in our non-partisan town.

Anonymous said...

I heard that they really wanted Ferriero to stand with them, but he declined due to the non-partisan government in Teaneck.

Anonymous said...

Best line of the night:

Councilwoman Dr. Toffler is talking about how she realizes Mayor Feit has a lot of family responsibilities that she doesn't have and so if there's any way in which she could help take some of the weight off his shoulders, he should just give her a call, she's around and will be happy to help and yadayadayada.

To which our newly and duly selected Mayor asked:

"Do you babysit?"

Perfect, Mayor Feit.

Anonymous said...


Nobody cares whether Toffler went to any particular institution prior to the competitive days of the baby boom and beyond. In her generation she probably didn't even have to cheat to get in wherever she attended.

The problem with her is that her subsequent cheating has landed her on the Council and not in the institution her cheating ought to have landed her in.

I would not let her babysit my child.

esther said...

anon. 9:52 It was people like you to whom my George Carlin remark was directed.

The continuation of this type of character assasination from anonymous cowards is a cancer that is eating away at the heart of soul of our town.

Let's use this opportunity to get a fresh start on community relations. There are ways to be critical without being personally insulting.

Anonymous said...

Enough said...

Anonymous said...

Swiggle said:

...but not as interesting as the fact that Monica and Toffler had Weinberg stand with them while they took their oaths (Toffler actually had Weinberg give her the oath...

In fairness to Senator Weinberg (and also Assemblymembers Huttle and Johnson), I seriously wonder whether she (and they) knew in advance that Councilwoman Honis was going to call them up to her swearing in. I don't believe they were making any motions to get up before she called them.

Somewhat idle speculation on my part, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if that were the case.

Keith K said...

In fairness to Senator Weinberg (and also Assemblymembers Huttle and Johnson), I seriously wonder whether she (and they) knew in advance that Councilwoman Honis was going to call them up to her swearing in.


I take no position on whether Senator Weinberg knew beforehand or not...all I was saying it the fact that Monica went out of her way to call her up, shows the prior alliance of the good Senator with a council member in our non-partisan town.

Unknown said...

In fairness to Senator Weinberg (and also Assemblymembers Huttle and Johnson), I seriously wonder whether she (and they) knew in advance that Councilwoman Honis was going to call them up to her swearing in. I don't believe they were making any motions to get up before she called them.

C'mon, Jeff. How long have you known and studied Senator Weinberg? Do you think that Monica would have called her up without her letting Loretta know beforehand? Monica referred to her as her other mother (or something of the sort, at least that's what it sounded like on TV).

Anonymous said...

Do you think that Monica would have called her up without her letting Loretta know beforehand?

I don't know for a fact that she did, but yes, I think Monica is quite capable of pulling something like that. Under the circumstances I think Loretta would have been quite content to sit in her seat and not be called her other mother (yes, Monica said that) and have everyone be reminded of her association with Monica. She's already told the press that she thinks Monica should have apologized for her celebrated gaffe, and so I think she'd prefer to keep some distance between herself and her former mentoree.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Ms. Weinberg really wanted to be asked to stand next to Monica, but no one present could miss Valerie Huttle's hesitation or discomfort when the senator asked her to also stand with Monica.
I wasn't sure if Ms. Weinberg asked Ms. Huttle and Mr. Johnson to accompany her because she didn't want be the only politician standing with her or to present a united front of support.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure if Ms. Weinberg asked Ms. Huttle and Mr. Johnson to accompany her because she didn't want be the only politician standing with her or to present a united front of support.

Valerie and Gordon go where Loretta tells them to. No if's, and's or but's. The three are connected at the hip. Too bad. Valerie and Gordon may actually care about Teaneck, even though they don't live here. Loretta made a mess in town in 1988, served on Council for one term and never looked back.