Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Loretta Eats Crow

After several days of glossy mailings, negative campaigning, letters, negative flyers, robo calls and countless out of state canvassers that were working for the AFL-CIO and being paid by "someone" $100 per day (plus food and hotel), it appears to have been a big waste of money and time.

Senator Weinberg's people lost in almost every district challenged. So what will be the future of the Teaneck Democrats and who is to credit and blame for this big defeat? In my opinion, some of the blame goes to the Teaneck Dems themselves that have used their position on County Committee to mount campaigns against (insert your choice here) and not lobby for (same).

Some of the losers are:
Paul Cunningham (the current chair)
Almita Honis (mother of the infamous Monica Honis)
Alan Sohn
The Gussen family

So what does this mean for Teaneck residents and what was really won last night.

Was this another Ferierro v Weinberg fight?

Was this a Teaneck new v Teaneck old? Or were there many people disenfranchised by the Teaneck Democrats that it was time for a change.

Only time will tell if Loretta will start delivering more money to Teaneck.

Maybe we will finally qualify for (miraculously) school funding or extraordinary aid.

But one thing is for certain, with so many unhappy losers, the fights have just begun.


Tom Abbott said...

... and countless out of state canvassers that were working for the AFL-CIO and being paid by "someone" $100 per day (plus food and hotel) ...

Evidence or more rumor?

Tom Abbott said...

Wildes and Weinberg squabble over the word 'grungy,' automobile preference from on June 3 includes the following:

... Wildes’s claim that the Real Bergen Democrats have dispatched more than a dozen out-of-state canvassers ...

Weinberg said that the canvassers come from a professional organization that the Real Bergen Democrats hired, and that some are from out of state but some are from New Jersey as well.

It’s the same thing as the high school students who have been hired year after year after year by the BCDO ...

As always there is an element of truth in Teaneck Truth's lies. Inventing an AFL-CIO connection was creative. I will give you the benefit of the doubt on countless and assume more than a dozen is just too big a number for you to count.

EMO said...
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Anonymous said...

Let's talk about "Mr." Rudolph and his mistreatment of poll workers/senior citizens. He is just continuing the behavior that I see every day by him in the town. Thank God that Chillul Hashem (desicration of God's Name) was defeated. There is Joy in Mudville.

Anonymous said...

Mudville is where anonymous 12:01lives. He wouldn't know a chillul hashem if it stared him in the face. He ought to try the mirror.

The two poll workers refused to do their duty properly and may well have had some machinations to hide. They deserved to be fired.

How about Carter Jackson's actions at the Whittier polling place?

The fact that "everybody" is lying down again to be ridden over roughshod by Loretta's party (as was obvious at the disgraceful Council meeting) doesn't make it kosher.

Not a word at the Council meeting about how Zucker became the chair of the Town Democratic party by excluding all the Orthodox Committee persons!

There are many people watching the ugliness on TV. The threats that , "I am a marine and watching you" (through what, a sniper sight?) and their like only make this town more and more angry.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1;34 - what a shame that you are so blind that you just go for the "religious" guy. Kind of like my parents voting only for Democrats. I see Rudolph in synagogue, around town. What an embarrassment. I actively and vocally campaigned against him. He is such a constant Chillul Hashem on a daily basis in town that I would vote for Monica before him. THis is NOT a "party" thing. It is ousting an individual who does not deserve to hold office. He should go back and vote in Brooklyn as he illegally did before. Oh, I forgot, Mommy told him to. Maybe Mommy could discipline his daugher in synagogue too...

Anonymous said...

By the way "genius" Anonymous 1:34 pm, your yeshiva education is lacking. "there is joy in Mudville" is a reference to a very well known poem. For a town as obsessed with baseball as Teaneck, I'm surprised you don't know it. At least in my yeshiva we learned it "when the Mighty Casey Struck Out".
Boy, you are one angry soul. Take a deep breath and try to look at things objectively.

Anonymous said...

Mighty Loretta struck out. Mudville is onto her. She had to stage manage the election of Zucker on Shavuos by disregarding the Orthodox voters who could not meet that day.

But Mudville (or Loretta's Pipick) where YOU 12:01 (or MC as your real friends know you)live, is onto her.

Soon she will be out. Three more years.

Her party is made up of a vicious crew dedicated to looking out for themselves, all the while pretending the other party is no good and selfish.

Pretending you are Orthodox and saying bad things about a fine person like Rudy is garbage.

The people who really go to the shuls Rudy belongs to voted overwhelmingly for him. So your "campaign" against him must have taken place some place other than Districts 10 and 11.

Anonymous said...

The two poll workers refused to do their duty properly and may well have had some machinations to hide. They deserved to be fired.

For no apparent reason, the Bergen County Democratic Organization appoints 42 poll watchers, almost all from outside Teaneck to watch the polls in a non-partisan Teaneck election. Sounds fishy to me, if not illegal.

A supposed poll watcher sent by Boss Joe from New Milford shows up in District 13. The poll workers follow the rules and tell the person he can't get vote counts.

Rudy comes to the rescue and demands a vote count. The poll workers tell him that based on the rules they were given he can't get this. Rudy goes ape and starts making phone calls illegally inside a precinct and refuses to leave.

Rudy calls down his fellow BCDO cronies on the Board of Elections to come down to District 13. The poll workers are told that there is a super secret new rule that they are supposed to follow. It's not in their rule books and they follow the rules.

The poll workers, with 30 years of experience, are fired without any hearing by one of BCDO's flunkies on the Board of Elections.

Who is hiding what? Were the poll workers up to some shenanigans or was it Rudy and the fellow crooks at BCDO headquarters?

All six council members who bothered to show up last night agreed that there was something wrong with the firings. What are the supposed machinations that justified firing these two poll workers?

Anonymous said...

What is non-partisan about the Teaneck election? LORETTA AKA BOSS WEINBERG was involved in every aspect of the election. Didn't she get the money for the false outrageous mailings sent out by Toffler? Isn't Boss Norcross in south Jersey Loretta's ally? Though Loretta fails politically, she is still POLITICAL.

Deputy Mayor Parker has a job with Loretta, both Kateses have held political jobs, Monica's mother has a job with Loretta.

Why wouldn't poll workers do what the election commissioner instructs them to do? Could it be they are doctoring results?

The goody-goodies on the Council have been making nice for two years to the villains who come in every meeting reading off the scripts prepared for them. All they have gotten for it is the continued use of the "big lie" against Rudy and now against the rest of them.

The fact is there was no racist mailing by Robinson in the Northeast. The mailing was true and accurate.

If there was no need for challengers, how come Teaneck United sent challengers? Were they repulsed by the two women when they showed up? If Toffler admits to having been there at the Northeast polling place where Rudy and his challenger were rebuffed, WHAT WAS SHE DOING THERE? She votes in Whittier!!

The facts are that the Team Teaneck campaign was run from Teaneck by local volunteers who appreciated the excellent job the Council had done to keep taxes under control and introduce new parks and all the other excellent contributions that were made.

Lots of us expect to see similar results in the coming council and want more of the same except we want to see the circus that the agitators bring to good and welfare every meeting tamed by the presentation of GOOD thoughts for the WELFARE of the whole community.

Edmund Burke said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Too many Teaneck citizens have sat home while the evil villains have dominated the floor at the council meetings.

Anonymous said...

Keith Carbone said...
Much of this story is false. I never claimed to be representing any political party, I showed identification, the poll workers called the police AND the the board of elections. I would have left after being refused if it had not been for the police being called. It would have looked bad if I had left knowing the police were on their way and when I was refused alongside the police I would have left if it had not been for the election officers being called. The poll workers themselves called th epolice, the election commissioners and the press. The first rule for poll cahallengers is that you do not interrupt the voting process in anyway. I was very careful not to but the poll workers themselves created a spectacle. In my opinion, they should not lose their jobs but it is not up to me to decide. I hold no grudge for how these folks treated me that day. I only wish that the lies stop.

Anonymous said...

Loretta Weinberg, Lizette Parker, Jackie Kates, etc. are all Teaneck residents. What role does the Bergen County Democratic Organization and 39 people from outside Teaneck have in a non-partisan election? Why is New Milford resident Keith Carbone interfering in a Teaneck election for Boss Joe?

I never claimed to be representing any political party

Who obtained your challenger's badge? Who are you representing? What purpose does the BCDO have in overseeing Teaneck's non-partisan elections?

Anonymous said...

Most Team Teaneck challengers I saw were local Teaneck volunteers with no professional/financial ties to anyone outside Teaneck.

The "Myth of the 39" is one more Big Lie the villains are pushing on behalf of their so-called non-political party.

Anonymous said...

The Bergen County Democratic Organization named 42 poll challengers for Teaneck's non-partisan municipal election. 3 of the 42 were Teaneck residents and 39 were non-residents. If you watched last night's council meeting they listed all 39 of these outsiders that Boss Joe tried to have interfere with Teaneck's election.

Calling this the "Myth of the 39" shows the levels of ignorance and stupidity of people who fail to understand that Rudy was tossed out on his ass.

So long Rudy!

P.S. Isn't the term "The Big Lie" an offensive Holocaust reference?

Anonymous said...

The Big Lie (or the poll workers who wouldn't follow instructions)worked in some districts.

Rudy had 85% of the vote in others.

Anonymous said...

The Big Lie (or the poll workers who wouldn't follow instructions) worked in some districts. Rudy had 85% of the vote in others.

One possibility is that 85% of all voters in Teaneck would have voted for Rudy and his running mates and that the only reason he got so little votes in the other 20 districts is because all the poll workers were part of a massive conspiracy to somehow subtract votes from Team Teaneck or add to the other candidates. This would involve some sort of manipulation of the voting machines and all other controls built into the system. They not only got all four poll workers in each district to be part of this supposed felony, but all of the poll watchers in those districts knew nothing of this made-up fraud. None of the 100 people who were behind this imaginary coup have spoken and nothing has leaked out despite all of the work needed to make this purported plot work.

Another possibility is that Team Teaneck could only get votes in a small number of districts. Voters outside of these districts were so turned off by Rudy and Team Teaneck that they voted for other candidates.

Which one of these is plausible and which is the big lie?

Mr. Goebbels, please stop with the "Big Lie" Holocaust references.

Anonymous said...

It is a big lie!!

Many Teaneck residents of all different backgrounds worked very hard for Team Teaneck, including poll challenging Election Day.

YOU are again on the side bringing Holocaust references to bear.

Anonymous said...

It's Rudy and his apologists who have been tossing around the term "the big lie" straight from the mouth of Mr. Goebbels. These disgusting Holocaust references have to stop.

Many Teaneck residents of all different backgrounds worked very hard for Team Teaneck, including poll challenging Election Day.

Possible. But there were also 42 poll watchers appointed by Boss Joe and the BCDO, almost all of them from outside Teaneck, who had no legitimate role interfering in Teaneck's non-partisan municipal election.

You can repeat a million times that there were some Teaneck residents helping Team Teaneck, but the evidence that the Bergen County Democratic Organization, including Keith Carbone at District 13, was interfering in Teaneck's election is undeniable.

Anonymous said...

there you fools go again making a joke about the Holocaust.

This is not a topic to joke about

Anonymous said...

The teaneck top ten
----------------------------------- 10 Loretta does not Mingle in local elections, only Joe does....

9 Monica had a thought...really

8 The Holocaust didn,t happen right Monica...

7 to be continued

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's Rudy and his apologists..
But there were also 42 poll watchers appointed by Boss Joe and the BCDO, almost all of them from outside Teaneck, who had no legitimate role interfering in Teaneck's non-partisan municipal election. ..........
You can repeat a million times that there were some Teaneck residents helping Team Teaneck, but the evidence that the Bergen County Democratic Organization..., was interfering in Teaneck's election is undeniable."
I was one of the Teaneck residents who volunteered for Team Teaneck, including poll challenging on Election Day, 5/13/08.

The reference to being appointed by the BCDO and Joe Ferriero is a "throw- away" argument, A BIG LIE.
This false link is consistently, used by Boss Weinberg and her merry band of musketeers.
P.S. The same false link was used, unsuccessfully, for the 6/3/08 Democratic Primary elections !

As far as the staement "interfering in Teaneck's election is undeniable.",
from my personal experience on 5/13/08, it was one of the Polling place workers, an ANGRY partisan supporter of Teaneck United and the Northeast Block Presidents... ,(and Ms Honis) working at the Whittier school, who interfered in the election.

This interference manifested through a day long attempted intimidation, threats, statements to voters about improper procedures that were allegedly used for placing Team Teaneck's Municipal candidates on the ballot (positions), and comments throughout the day about the deterioration of Teaneck with the arrival of "these" new (code word for religious NW) folks.

This fellow is so far from being "non-partisan", that it is beyond my comprehension as to how the Bergen County Board of Elections permits someone so involved in local Teaneck politics to work in a Teaneck Polling place.

The Board of Elections should consider employing him in another town, where he is an outsider. Maybe there "wearing his politics on his sleeve" may not make a difference.


Anonymous said...

The reference to being appointed by the BCDO and Joe Ferriero is a "throw- away" argument, A BIG LIE. This false link is consistently, used by Boss Weinberg and her merry band of musketeers.

I don't doubt that Team Teaneck scraped up some Teaneck residents to work for it at the polls. The problem is that Boss Joe appointed another 42 challengers, almost none of which were Teaneck residents. Keith Carbone, a New Milford resident, was one of these many non-residents, and there has been no explanation for why he was appointed in the first place or why he was creating problems at District 13.

Mr. Goebbels, your "Big Lie" came straight from party headquarters in Hackensack. Ask your buddies there for a copy of the application form used to appoint non-residents to monitor a non-partisan election in Teaneck.