Sunday, October 14, 2007

Next up....

I have been doing a lot of walking in the River Road/ FDU area lately- what can we do to make a college town setting in that area? Cafes, Restaurants etc.... Why are we not capitalizing on thousands of students?


Anonymous said...

how about starbucks at the empty corner of river and cedar lane?

Anonymous said...

If you don't offer new material regularly, people will stop loking at your blog.You now must reestablish a readership.

Anonymous said...

What is the zoning in that area? Also, this is basically a commuter school. How could you have a college town if everyone is commuting? Brooklyn College & Queens College are commuter schools and there is no "college town atmosphere" there.

By the way, ditto to anonymous 8:36

Anonymous said...

Isn't FDU the reason why there is a "Hooter's" restaurant on Route 4 by the Hackensack side of the campus?

esther said...

The tight shirts and hot pants are the reason there's a Hooter's restaurant on Route 4.

Anonymous said...
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